Sunday, April 16, 2006

The prodding to speak

Have you ever felt that urge to say a certain thing that God puts on your heart and mind?

It happens to me every once in a while where I feel an urge to share a particular thing that I feel God is issuing my way. It is almost as if that message HAS to be shared. If I don't say it, I get this uneasiness and tention inside me that will not go away until I say what I need to. This may sound wierd, but my heart tends to pump hard in my chest, and I get chills after I say it. I know, kind of a creepy thought, but that is what happens to me. I am pretty much convinced that it is just how my body reacts to the intensity of what I know I need to do. I relate it in part to when you go to court for something, and you are about to go up to the podium to share your sob story, and you get nervous. I get nervous when God chooses me to deliver a message for him, when I become the voicebox of the Spirit.

Today it was not a big thing, well not to me at least. But I was talking to a friend at church about a situation she was in, and I felt that I understood the situation in a spiritual sense, that kind of way where you think you understand what God is up to in a certain scenario. So I felt nervous to share it, but had no other choice, it was a simple statement about dependance on God, and it seems that it was just what she needed to hear to understand what God wanted her to learn. I wanted to share this on this blog because I think it is so great when God does these little things, Lord knows it has happened in reverse roles for me many times. Do you get inclinations as to what God wants you to do or say? If so, you gotta do it, we can't miss these opportunities to communicate these truths to eachother.

Cliff notes: God asked me to say something on his behalf today, what a priviledge.

1 comment:

Steve said...

On an semi related note: thank you so much for you comment to my brother. It means more than you know to me.

You are a great guy Dave.