Monday, October 16, 2006

God's faithfulness to my family, Part Duex.

I wrote a rather long and interesting blog on how God has been so faithful to my family (in taking care of all our needs financially). I have been meaning to give an update. On Sunday, Craig quoted Matthew 7:9; and it made me remember that I needed to post an update here.

So the bills were being paid just fine because my work check was there every week, and Marlena qualified for unemployment when she got laid off. So with two checks, bills get paid without much trouble (thank you God!). Sure, we cut some of the fat off our montly bills and such, expecting more difficult times to come down the road. But when we were nearing the end of the unemployment checks, reality set in. We continued to pray and ask for God's provision, and I gotta tell ya, he came through again. Would you believe that only a week after unemployment ran out that I got notice of a raise at work? It was pretty awesome timing. The raise seems to be enough to cover where we are short. God has had us in this positoin for quite a while now, where we are constantly realizing and acknowledging that he is our provider, he is our real source of security and confidence. We cannot trust in ourselves, in our ability to make ends meet. Because even if a worker is not lazy or sinful in any other way, he can still lose a job or be unable to work, crap happens to the righteous AND the unrighteous. So ultimately, the only thing we can ever count on is God. I enjoy reflecting on how good God has been to us, he has never left us hanging. He has brought us to a few faith crisis, and I believe that God wants us to realize all that he is, and all that he does. What is he telling you about himself in your life? Are you paying attention?

Cliff notes: God is still workin it, he is always faithful.


Rebecca said...

i'm so glad to see that you are blogging again! you have so many great things to say...i enjoy when you share them.

thanks also for posting this update on your financial situation. i am facing the loss of my job at the end of december and i've been very fearful about the future beyond my current job. i thought i was going to lose the job at the end of august, so i decided to trust God instead of freak out. he totally came through (of course) and the grant that pays me was extended through the end of the year. i don't know why i doubt that He'll do it again, but worry is a slippery slope.

your testimony of how God has provided for you has been so reassuring to me. thank you so much for trusting Him and for sharing what He is doing in your life.

DaveKerwin said...

Rebecca, the way I see it is that we MUST report God's work so that he is receiving the just praise. And the benefit beyond that is encouragement to the rest of the body of Christ. So you will share God's work in your life, which will then do the same for whomever needs that reminder of God's good work. I have been realizing lately that if we do not give testimony to the work of God, then we pat our own back and rob the Lord of his due praise, plus we harm other believers by not encouraging them. That is the straw that broke this stubborn camel's back who said he did not need a blog. Then I remembered that I have no other source of writing things down and remembering, so it helps me greatly to blog and look back at what God has been doing, which keeps my mind in line for furture performance on God's parts. Wasn't it pretty common practice on the part of our faith ancestors where God would do good work, give a word from a prophet, and the people would follow for a short time, then completely forget and screw up. If we remember what God has done, we will question him less, trust him more, and have more productive lives with greater impact for the Kingdom. Thanks for reminding me to blog, I forgot. Crap, I am my own worst enemy! :)

DaveKerwin said...

I found this today in my tear off calendar:

2Corinthians 9:8

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

So this verifies that it is God who is doing the good work by his grace, and that we will have all that we need for all things at all times, with the expectation that abounding good works on our part will play into the good work he does for us. So its like a spiritual pay it forward. God models for us what he would have us do for others. All the while taking care of all his people in every way needed.