Monday, October 16, 2006

I want to own a gun and be tactical

I don't know what it is, but I am stockpiling tons of water bottles, canned food, charcoal, candles, matches, dry goods, frozen food, and the like; as if the world is gonna end tomorrow. Then I began thinking that my personal supply of weapons is serverly lacking. The best I got is a pair of nunchucks. So I borroed a book from Morrish, and it is about gun ownership, self defence, how to handle yourself in any combat circumstance, gun use policies, etc. So I figure after I have about 150 ramen noodles and enough water and fire to make that many meals, I am gonna invest in a gun. Morrish tells me to go for a rifle. Paryaski tells me to go for a shotgun (I can't afford to own both, or those plus handguns). Anyone who is NOT a Southfield police officer want to help settle the matter? And am I the only wierdo who is creating supplies for such circumstances?

God's faithfulness to my family, Part Duex.

I wrote a rather long and interesting blog on how God has been so faithful to my family (in taking care of all our needs financially). I have been meaning to give an update. On Sunday, Craig quoted Matthew 7:9; and it made me remember that I needed to post an update here.

So the bills were being paid just fine because my work check was there every week, and Marlena qualified for unemployment when she got laid off. So with two checks, bills get paid without much trouble (thank you God!). Sure, we cut some of the fat off our montly bills and such, expecting more difficult times to come down the road. But when we were nearing the end of the unemployment checks, reality set in. We continued to pray and ask for God's provision, and I gotta tell ya, he came through again. Would you believe that only a week after unemployment ran out that I got notice of a raise at work? It was pretty awesome timing. The raise seems to be enough to cover where we are short. God has had us in this positoin for quite a while now, where we are constantly realizing and acknowledging that he is our provider, he is our real source of security and confidence. We cannot trust in ourselves, in our ability to make ends meet. Because even if a worker is not lazy or sinful in any other way, he can still lose a job or be unable to work, crap happens to the righteous AND the unrighteous. So ultimately, the only thing we can ever count on is God. I enjoy reflecting on how good God has been to us, he has never left us hanging. He has brought us to a few faith crisis, and I believe that God wants us to realize all that he is, and all that he does. What is he telling you about himself in your life? Are you paying attention?

Cliff notes: God is still workin it, he is always faithful.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

She only smiles when she sleeps

I will hold her, and she will just stare into my eyes, I swear I have never experienced anything like that in my life. It is neat because she looks a lot like me, and the fact that she is MY daughter makes the baby holding a experience much different. Her facial expressions are limited to "I'm really full right now" and "I'm really hungry/upset right now." When she is falling asleep or in REM sleep, she will do these random other facial expressions. This is the only time I ever see her smile. I am really enjoying this infant stage of her life, to hold her and talk to her as she looks at me is so wonderful. But I can't wait until I smile or laugh, and she smiles and laughs back.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Reece Kerwin is born! *pics*

Reece Makayla Kerwin
born 07-08-06 11:12am
7lb 5oz 19"

She is as beautiful and as sweet as her Mommy!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I also write on this blog..

Click on the title of this post if interested. I am one of a group of contributors, I post maybe once a week or so there. It is the blog for my church, and I am no where near the coolest author. Thanks for reading!

Get Rich Quick!

How many times have you seen it on TV? How many times have you been asked by someone you know? I have seen a lot of it, and I recently decided that I never want to be involved in something that is gonna make me filthy rich, really fast. I am not opposed to the concept of having a nice income or large properties, but I want to earn it over a long period of time and lots of hard work. I am not the best worker, and hopefully I will be better. But I don't think it is very natural to get rich quick. Most rich people I know made it that way not just by awesome talent or great ideas, but mostly by letting it build naturally over time.

Even if the product or service being sold is good, I am generally not interested because of the category it is inside of. I don't want to get sold on the dream of having all of the wealth of the world. Instead, I want the dream of sowing good seed, and later down the road, reaping a well earned harvest. So next time someone tells me of this awesome thing that is gonna make me swim in gold coins like Mr. Mcduck, I am gonna pass, not because I hate the product, but because I disagree with the unrealistic dream life attached to it.

Monday, May 29, 2006

If I could make a men's bathroom...

It would be different in two main ways:

1. Anything automated would have a manual override. The worse invention EVER was the auto flush toilet. This eliminates any real ability to be neighborly while going numero dos. One has to stand up and embrace the stall door for 10 seconds before it can convince the toilet to flush before the official exit of the stall. Terrible I say, terrible. And who actually likes auto sinks? If you hold your hand a slight angle off, it turns off on its own. Again, it needs a manual override. I don't even care much for the auto towel dispenser. If the power gets interrupted, then ya gonnat use your shirt. Men like to be engaged in their world, they like to push buttons, to put things into action. Automated bathrooms are bad. If I made a men's room, it would have levers that were obnoxiously large and fun to use.

2. Urinals would be a joy to use. Almost any urinal has a great risk of splashback. Is it that nobody took the time to make a better design or is it that most companies are cheap? If a restaurant or place of business had an awesome urinal, it would serve as inexpensive advertisement. Ever notice how urinals are at different heights? Some for men, some for boys. What about in the good ole days when they made full length urinals? You know the one I am taling about, its highest point is about chest height, and it goes all the way down until it becomes a part of the floor. This is idea for clean up purposes (no more urine on the floor) and it also eliminates the dilemma for males with differing heights. It is a universal wonder. Since we are on this topic, you may want to click here to see a wonderful compilation of urinals. And if you click here, you will find a fun game on how to choose a urinal in different social settings. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Reading a new book

I thought I would give an honorable mention to a great book I just started reading. It is called The Silence Of Adam.

Back in the garden when Eve took the fruit from the tree, Adam was right beside her, and he sat back quiet while sin entered the world. That curse is still with men today, we sit idle when we should be doing something. One of the major premises is that men must be about movement. Movement toward relationship with people and with God. When a man feels incompetant, nervous, unsure, etc, he will be still and silent. This book encourages men to speak and move into the chaos of this world. There is a ton more to the book, but there are some awesome things for me to learn from it.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Balogne & Apple Juice

Let me begin by saying this: I am not suggesting in any way that you should view these items together; But I do want to rant about the inequality I noticed. Balogne is not only praised for no reason, but it undeservingly gets its own song (ie, my balogne has a first name.. it's n-a-s-t-yyyy). In my opinion, it deserves nothing.

Moving along. Now, lets take apple juice and see if it gets a song. No, no it doesn't, and it does not even get a nickname. Ever notice how people can order an orange juice by saying "OJ" and everyone knows what they mean? Don't get me wrong, OJ rocks, but apple juice is equally off the chain. So why don't we call it "AJ"??? I guess I am just mad because stupid baloneeey gets a song and apple juice doesnt even get a nickname. Grrr!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Great news article about the military

It is a really long read, but I promise you it is worth it.

If you do not have family in the war, and want a chance to understand the sacrifice of fallen soldiers, then read that article. I could not help but relate the story to the life of Christ who gave his life for us all.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

New Format

I have changed things up around here after three people rebuked me for not posting enough :)
I am now going to add random stuff beyond just God sightings. Let me know what you think.

First random thought is about Easter. I want go into detail about how I hate its bunny status, but I will question this holiday's day titles instead. Why is Friday called Good Friday? If I was on a comitte to name that day, I would call it sucky Friday, because Friday sucked, sucked bad. Then instead of calling Sunday Easter, I would call THAT day good, Good Sunday. Because Sunday was when Jesus broke the chains of death, rose again, kept his word, regained life, and completed his mission. Surely his sacrifice that is noted on Friday is the crux of our forgiveness, but without the resurrection, how was his sacrifice any different than anyone else who may have gave his life for his people? To me, Sunday was good, well great, but if either Friday or Sunday had to be called good, I would make resurrection day Good. Probably a not a really important issue, but that has been on my mind. Either way, I really enjoyed celebrating Jesus this year compared to years past, I hope you did too.


The prodding to speak

Have you ever felt that urge to say a certain thing that God puts on your heart and mind?

It happens to me every once in a while where I feel an urge to share a particular thing that I feel God is issuing my way. It is almost as if that message HAS to be shared. If I don't say it, I get this uneasiness and tention inside me that will not go away until I say what I need to. This may sound wierd, but my heart tends to pump hard in my chest, and I get chills after I say it. I know, kind of a creepy thought, but that is what happens to me. I am pretty much convinced that it is just how my body reacts to the intensity of what I know I need to do. I relate it in part to when you go to court for something, and you are about to go up to the podium to share your sob story, and you get nervous. I get nervous when God chooses me to deliver a message for him, when I become the voicebox of the Spirit.

Today it was not a big thing, well not to me at least. But I was talking to a friend at church about a situation she was in, and I felt that I understood the situation in a spiritual sense, that kind of way where you think you understand what God is up to in a certain scenario. So I felt nervous to share it, but had no other choice, it was a simple statement about dependance on God, and it seems that it was just what she needed to hear to understand what God wanted her to learn. I wanted to share this on this blog because I think it is so great when God does these little things, Lord knows it has happened in reverse roles for me many times. Do you get inclinations as to what God wants you to do or say? If so, you gotta do it, we can't miss these opportunities to communicate these truths to eachother.

Cliff notes: God asked me to say something on his behalf today, what a priviledge.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Vision to reach men becomes crisp

It is always interesting to look back and see how things develop over time. I know for sure that God has called me a minister of his gospel. Not vocationally at this time, but in ministry as an average joe. After I heard the call to change ministry gears, my heart has been more fully formed towards growing with men in the masculine image of God. Let me give you two areas this has happened in:

1. I visited a church with a dynamic men's ministry. There I saw men who were willing to enter the chaos of the lives and the world around them, willing to share their hearts, and willing to help sharpen another brother. I gotta tell ya, it was truely a live changing day. Not in the sense where I necessarily realized something new about myself. More like I learned more WHY there is a need for men to connect with each other, and the gigantic lasting impact a man has in this world. If a man fulfils his role as a man, the world would be a MUCH MUCH different place. Anyway, when you read the scriptures and it talks about iron sharpening iron, I got a clear picture of this the day I visited this ministry. I can only hope to duplicate this level of metal work I saw, with the brothers I will be partnered with. I have so much to learn, but man o man, my sights were narrowed that day, and I felt so focused! Masculinity begats masculinity, if a man is not closely connected with other men, he will surely get taken out. A man alone is deadly, deadly in a bad way.

2. This sounds weird, but I was watching the show wife swap. There was a typical American family and a wiccan family that changed moms for two weeks. The wiccan home was dominated by the "goddess" and many priorities were skewed. The visiting Mom wanted the husband to step up and be a man in his home. He was hesitant at first, but his life took a big turn when he owned up to his responsibilities as a man. Not only did his home become more orderly, but more importantly, he established a relationship with his son. What is the desire of any boy who is not close to his Father? What is the desire for any Father who does not know what to do with his son? They are the same, to be close in relationship. The boy in this family was rasied by Sony Playstation, a weak alternative to the mentorship and love of a Father. The relatioship between father and soon took a drastic turn for the better when the Dad took the boy outside and they build a step stool together. This is a small meaningless task, or so it seemed. When they finished the step stool, the boy climbed to the top step, faced his Dad, and they had a good long hug. At the end, the boy tells his Dad that he would rather spend time with him making things then to ever play a video game again. The Dad just broke down, he wept when talking about it afterward. He came to the realization the he was being silent, the was taken out of the game, not being a man. In my own life, I want to be a man who enters into his world and makes a difference. I want to be a man who makes men out of others. I want to be a man who one day has a son who wants to be like him. I don't cry when I watch tv, but I got water eyes when this Dad told the story of how he would never neglect his son again. This is my desire, to create an environment where men become men, where men enter their world and be the WARRIORS that God has called them to be.

Cliff notes: the vision is becoming clear to me, Men NEED other men in their lives.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

God's faithfulness to my family.

Testimony to God's faithfulness, written on 01-19-2006:

So I got this baby on the way and all that jazz, so naturally, my money will not stretch as far as it used to. But it's all good, I know things will work out. So we have been praying for God's provision in our lives, and for a healthy financial situaiton in the future. It turns out that the maternity rider on my health insurance covers about 1/4 of what I thoguth it would, HELLO!! Having a baby costs about 15,000 bucks. My insurance covers a max of 4000, so lets just say things got real interesting real quick. But I had saved 3000 in prep for getting pregnant, and Marlena's parents gave us a straight grand for Christmas for the baby fund, sweet! So we were pretty excited for how things were going, and we were gonna be able to put our income tax return in the bank too. This leaves a real void still, but God has provided that much, and we are confident for the rest to work according to his plan. That brings us to last week when we found out that Marlena's boss wants to cut her hours down to part time. This means we have about 800 less per month to work with, which is the cost of our mortgage payment. Yikes! Beyond that, after we have the baby, she will not have a job anymore, double yikes!

This whole time we have tried to be responsible with our spending habits, not squandering the blessings that God has provided, and I have been trying hard at work to do well and make the company better. Because of this, I have been viewing this situation as one where God will look out for us (as I believe that I have a certain role to play, and God has another: God is not gonna do what he expects me too, and I cannot do what only he can). I came to a realization also, that this whole financial arena is the only place that I really need God right now. And God seems to like his followers in a place where we recognize our need for him and rely on him. When God prunes away the dead parts of our vine, it may be painful, but it will produce good fruit. I am ready to be pruned a bit, and I am excited for where God takes us! So again, we pray and trust God to fill our voids.

Now this brings us to yesterday afternoon. My wife got off of work and at the front door was a package for us. She opened the box, and here was a starbucks coffee mug (her favorite) from her brother and sister in law. It has a nice note in it about how they have been praying for us and how they hoped this package would bless us. Well, Marlena was a bit confused why this mug would be such a blessing. So she takes the lid off of it to get ready to wash it, and there is a wad of cash in it, a thousand bucks! Wow! Naturally she calls me to tell me of the good news, but just as she calls me, my boss informs me that I will be getting a raise! I call her back and she tells me good news, and I throw some right back at her! I am very thankful to the Lord who is my provider, my hope! So friends, accept this testimony: The Lord is great, he loves us and he is good on ALL his promises. He takes care of the birds of the air, and he loves us more than them, so how much more will he take care of us!? So make your lives devoted to him, and he will fill in the gaps. Ask the Lord to take care of you, and he will do it!

Cliff notes: I asked God to provide financial resources for us, he has more than answered!

Next phase in ministry

Not too long after accepting Christ, I found myself with a desire to give back what had been given to me. After hearing about Jesus at a youth group, I really loved that style of ministry. So I naturally got involved in youth ministry as an adult. For five years straight I served in a youth group at Grace Church. It became my identity in many ways. When Marlena and I joined Paradox, I really examined myself because everything that I knew about service in the body of Christ was not directly applicable to this new church. No doubt, I wanted to get involved in a ministry again, because I feel God has called me to do so, but which ministry that would be was a large mystery.

I began praying for an understanding, taking a spiritual gifts survey, taking a personality test, asking others what they thought, etc. I had no idea what to do. The answer came over a two day period. Day one was a Saturday night at an all-nighter for the youth group at Grace, which I had agreed to help out at. I was in a discussion with the new intern there named Dan. Dan was in a similar spot in ministry, trying to understand what God would call him to do. Dan and I just had met a few minutes prior, but we connected immediately, and talked at length that night about life and ministry. When I was telling Dan why I enjoyed serving at the youth group so much, I came to a new understanding. I realized during that conversation that one of my favorite aspects to youth ministry is discipleship. Having life on life impact with another person is very soul-satisfying for me. It's not that I never understood this love for discipleship previously, it is just that I grew a deeper understanding of it in that gymnasium during that event. Perhaps the reason why I understood it deeper is because I was able to talk to a friend who I used to informally disciple a few years ago, his name is Mike. This guy had come full circle, to where he was duplicating our experience together with a younger guy. So the reward of discipling was fresh on my mind.

Day two was the next day, Sunday, at church. I napped all day after being up all night, so to me, it felt like the same day. After the church service ended, I was approached by the pastor (Craig) and I sat down in a meeting with him and Dennis (another guy who attends the church). Craig asked Dennis and I if we would be interested in co-leading the men's ministry at Paradox. Craig shared a bit about what he invisioned the group to look like, and the three of us dialouged about some of the dynamics that would be present. Keep in mind that I was completely undecided about where to serve at Paradox. Basically, the men's ministry would key in on these main elements: discipleship, fellowship, and spiritual growth. As the three of us discussed this, I felt convinced that God was now calling me to serve the men at Paradox. There was absolutely nothing about it that did not feel right. I was so lost for an answer, and the Lord clearly communicated his path for me. I kept thinking about how God made me, what I am good at, where my gifts are, where my frustrations are, etc. Everything fit perfectly with this idea of a men's ministry. Beyond all that, Craig and Dennis both felt that I would be well suited for such a position. So as if it was not a perfect fit already, now my brother's in Christ provide some outside input. So by the end of our quick ten minute meeting, I informed them that I was in. It all happened instantly, it was sweet.

Cliff notes: God revealed to me a path of future ministry.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Landing at Paradox

I tend to not like change in my life. When I find something I like, something that works, I keep it. The church I first heard the gospel message at is where I stayed and got involved. I made many good friends and enjoyed many great experiences with God. The idea, in and of itself, of joining a different church felt about the same as an adulterious affair. But I did feel certain that I needed to pray and ask for God's guidance about joining Paradox, a planted church in the area. This need to pray came after attending three meetings where the vision of this new church was shared. I felt some very serious conflict between sticking with what I knew and stepping into unknown territory. I tried to put a date with my prayers, because I heard of someone doing that with good success, but it did not work that way for Marlena and I. We prayed for guidance for a few months. We attempted to pray together, but leave what we believed to be the answer a secret from each other. The first time we talked, we were in disagreement, so we prayed more. The second time we talked we each had changed our position, so we prayed for another month or so.

Time passed and we were now approaching our one year wedding anniversary. I could write a whole different God-sighting section about my wife, but I will leave it at that. We had a very relaxing weekend in Port Sanilac. The day we were leaving, we stopped off for lunch at the cool pizzaria. It was probably the best independant pizza joint that you would ever find in the middle of no where. As we finnished this great meal, we both kinda looked at each other with that stare that says "so what are we gonna talk about now?" As it would be, we both wanted to discuss our potential involvement with Paradox Church. I don't know how to describe it, but we both had this confidence (this time being in agreement) that we had to take a step of faith and join the mission at this new church. This happened to be at the time where we finally found great fellowship with a small group at Grace Chruch. That was a big part of our prior dilemma, but we knew what path we needed to take. So the conversation basically ended with "ok, well, we will join paradox." It was a wierd feeling, but a certain feeling.

I believe God has directed our transition to this new segment of his body that is called the Church. This decision was one of the most important decisions I have ever participated in, and I believe God has answered our prayers and guided our steps.

Cliff Notes: God showed me what part of his Church he wanted me to join.